PLANTER, POCKET PARKS, PARKLET POLICY



Planters, Pocket parks or similar structures on the public highway are a good way to improve an area, create a shared community space and support various bio-diversity challenges.

Many communities wish to improve their areas particularly where there are opportunities to include more green space or planting.  Improvement schemes can identify areas where initiatives for adding more bio-diversity in an urban setting would be welcome.

The council faces challenges with supporting planters, pocket parks and parklets as there is limited revenue funding to maintain these structures. Any community may have a willingness to support the initiative, but over time this may disappear and then the structure will fall into disrepair.  This policy is needed to provide a framework to allow communities to improve their local area.

The council does however welcome applications from organisations who wish to use their own funds to support the council to install a suitable structure for planting.




The council will only install planters if they will be maintained by an outside organisation, or fully funded for the lifetime of the planter/pocket park from internal project budgets.

Transport project managers will have to secure support of community groups using the agreements below before any designs are approved. The Council will also continue to carryout public realm improvements and the project managers of these schemes will need to consider this policy for the lifetime of any planters or pocket parks that may be installed as part of the project.


What does the policy document cover?


This policy covers any freestanding, fixed or inbuilt structure that is placed on the public highway and designed to be used for planting.

How and when should I engage with Brighton and Hove City Council?

Any project managers, resident groups or external organisations who wish to place planters , park lets or pocket parks on the public highway should contact the City Transport at the earliest opportunity before drafting any proposals. The early engagement means that officers can help design any proposals enabling the most common challenges to be avoided.


Do I require approval?

Any items placed on the public highway need approved from City Transport officers in their role as Local Highway Authority. Any items that add to the maintenance costs will need to have approval and funding to support the lifetime of the planter.


Overarching guidance


Any requests for planters, parklets or pocket parks from external organisations, community groups or businesses must follow the following principles.

1.     The request for a structure will have to be received from a fully constitutional organisation/body/community group.  This will ensure that the group will be able to provide evidence that it will maintain the planting and litter pick the structure. The group will be responsible for supplying the plants for the structure.

2.     Any request from a group must have sufficient funds for whole project build or demonstrate agreement that the council is funding through a capital scheme. The full cost will include a bond/commuted sum to be held by the council for future maintenance and removal, but this will vary depending on the size and design of the structure. A design life of the structure will be agreed when the design is agreed. Any Traffic Regulation Order costs will be included in the full costs of the structure.

3.     The Highway Authority will agree the size, design, materials and position of the structure.  The council will arrange for the works to be implemented using the councils Highway Framework contract. Once built the structure will be considered council property for highway liability issues.  If placed on the carriageway the Highway Authority will carry out full site inspections,

4.     Any damage repair to the planter will be funded by the original sponsoring organisation, if it is not possible to repair structure it will be removed by the Highway Authority using the Bond money. Once the structure is life expired any replacement will have to follow the full process including obtaining funding again.

5.     Failure to maintain the planting will result in the removal of the planter using bond/commuted sum funds. The original funding group will be contacted before removal.

6.     Emergency contact details must be provided.



Planters requested as part of an internal council project will follow the principles below.


1.     The structure will have to be maintained by a fully constitutional organisation/body/community group.  This will ensure that the group will be able to provide evidence that it will maintain the planting and litter pick the structure. The group will be responsible for supplying the plants for the structure.

2.     The project will fund the build and will include a bond/commuted sum to be held by the council for future maintenance and removal, but this will vary depending on the size and design of the structure. A design life of the structure will be agreed when the design is agreed. Any Traffic Regulation Order costs will be included in the full costs of the structure.

3.     The Highway Authority will agree the size, design, materials and position of the structure.  The council will arrange for the works to be implemented using the councils Highway Framework contract. Once built the structure will be considered council property for highway liability issues.  If placed on the carriageway the Highway Authority will carry out full site inspections,

4.     Any damage repair to the planter will be funded by the council, if it is not possible or uneconomical to repair the structure it will be removed by the Highway Authority using the Bond/commuted sum money. Once the structure is life expired any replacement will have to follow the full process including obtaining funding again.

5.     Failure to maintain the planting will result in the removal of the planter using bond/commuted sum funds. The original funding group will be contacted before removal

6.     Emergency contact details must be provided.